Friday, December 21, 2012

Nice Try, Mayans

12/21/12. It's like binary code. Except 0's have been replaced by 2's. Or maybe the 0's became 1's and the 1's subsequently 2's. I don't care.

Annoying things people say about movies:

Fight Club (1997): "Yeah I knew Brad Pitt wasn't real the whole time."
Inception (2010): "Yeah I knew it was all a dream the whole time."
The Dark Knight Rises (2012): "Yeah I knew the child in the prison was actually that Miranda chick and not Bain the whole time."
Jerry Maguire (1996): "Yeah I knew Tom Cruise was really a robot sent by the Russians to destroy us the whole time."

I don't believe any of you!

Set list from recent stand-up set:
1) Sorrow (Bourbon and Screaming)
2) Dildos for Christmas
3) Superman vs. Perpetual Jock Itch Man
4) Snow
5) The Rainforest

Nailed it.

A list of beers I enjoy:
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale; Blue Moon; Shock Top Midnight Wheat; Chimay Triple; Sam Adams Octoberfest; Hite (Korean); Smuttynose IPA; Red Stripe

Fans of The Decemberists... this is your month! Emo.

Worst post ever? It's in the running...

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