Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nature and Such

The second post in the past year and a half is here! The author is attempting to once again generate the dozens of page views that helped once make this blog the 81,324,579th most popular site on the web. Today's topic: NATURE... and such.

After some thought and extensive Wikipedia research, it turns out I don't possess a great deal of knowledge on the subject, so how about starting out with a list of the coolest animals.

1) Bengal tiger
2) Great horned owl
3) Blobfish *
4) Blue-ringed octopus
5) Crocodile
* - Seriously, look at this thing

1) Werewolf
2) Ahool (or, "giant bat" to the lay man)
3) Loch Ness Monster
4) R.O.U.S.'s
5) Minotaur

We'll worry about plants another time... this nature stuff is exhausting. Biologists- how do you do it?

Finally, here are a few more predictions for the future (for previous predictions, see October 15, 2009 entry): 
2013: People who believed the Mayans are going to feel just silly.
2128: Hilary Clinton's cryogenically frozen head will be elected President of the United States, narrowly edging the incumbent robot president as well as Clinton's cryogenically-frozen left breast.
2882: People will have absolutely had it with palindromes.
3001: Final construction on Woody Allen's brainchild, the Orgasmatron, will be successfully completed, ensuring constant access to physical pleasure for owners of the device.
3002: All wars will end.
3004: After a brief period of peace, the War to End All Wars will commence, this time over the world's supply of Orgasmatrons.


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