Sunday, September 27, 2009

Results of the 2009 Super Official Scientific Taste Test held at Natalie's apartment:
Coke v. Pepsi: Pepsi
Filtered tap water vs. Bottled: Filtered tap
Regular peanut butter vs. Light: Inconclusive
Cadbury v. Dove v. Hershey's chocolate: Cadbury
A&W v. Barq's v. Mug root beer: Mug
McDonalds v. Whataburger french fries: Inconclusive

Selected betting results of Notre Dame-Purdue game:
Line: ND by 13; Winner Natalie (under)
Over/under: 42; Winner Bill (over)
First points (TD or FG): Winner Bill (TD)
First 2nd half commercial: Uncertain (weren't paying attention)

Random superlatives, Fall 2009 installment:

Best summer food: Kayem Old Time hot dog
Most annoying pro athlete: Brett Favre
Worst chain restaurant: Applebee's
Smallest species of shark: dwarf lanternshark (Etmopterus perryi)
Fruitiest band: Coldplay
Largest state beginning with "M": Montana (147,000 sq mi)
Dumbest Olympic sport: synchronized swimming
Best candy bar: Milky Way
Worst fast food restaurant: Jack in the Box
Tallest man: Sultan Kosen (8'1")
Best documentary: Fearless Freaks
Best Ginger Ale brand: Schweppes

This just in... Cincinnati Bengals come from behind to defeat arch-rival Pittsburgh, 23-20. Bengals improve to a 2-1 mark and move into 2nd place in the AFC North. Playoffs, anyone?

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