Monday, August 29, 2016

Regarding Paul's Bullshit Fantasy Baseball League

The fix is in!

I've said it, and now all three of you who still occasionally read this blog have heard it!

Nightman (formerly Dayman) sits in last place, 10th out of 10, right in the basement, DESPITE having one of the strongest teams in the league.

How could this be??? You ask... well, quite plainly, I'm getting fucked.

See exhibit A...

What do you notice? Exactly. Teams are teeing off against Nightman, putting up numbers well above the league averages in nearly all categories. Awful!

But Bill, certainly you must be exaggerating. Your team's not getting gang banged by the Fantasy Baseball gods that badly...

Oh no? Please reconsider! See exhibit B...

Notice, that in a traditional rotisserie style league, Nightman (formerly Dayman) would be in 2nd place. Second! That's a -8 differential between Rotisserie and Head-to-head play based solely on the weekly match-ups.

Bill, you're 32 years old and have less than $4,000 in your savings account. Shouldn't you be focusing on your career and getting your life together instead of spending 2 hours creating excel sheets on your fantasy baseball team?

No comment.

Go Sox.

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