Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Well I'll be damned if my idiocy hasn't caused me to lose all access to my previous blog, Magnolia's Rant. Having forgotten my user name and password, I requested that the information be sent to my Notre Dame email account. And having lost access to my Notre Dame email account, I was of course unable to receive the information. So I have embarked on a new blog, a better blog, one whose distinguished quality and style will put its predecessor to shame. Let's give it a try.

List of infectious diseases beginning with the letter 'P':
Pneumococcal pneumenonia
Progressive multifocal leukencephalopathy
Pinworm infection

Well I've had enough of this "being employed" shit. For now...

First Job Summation:
Days worked: 10
Pizzas eaten: 5
Acquaintances made: 14
Miles driven: 378
Customers encountered: 2859
Dollars earned: 475
Resignations announced: 1
Ginger Ale's purchased: 4

I'll let the yuppies, the businessmen, these... suits, get up early and make something of themselves. My life is fulfilling enough: sleeping til 2 pm, playing guitar, watching Dark Angel reruns, creating pointless lists on Blogger, eating Melba Snacks, and doing it all while living in my parents' basement. Hmmm...

Finally, some brief words of caution regarding the Hippopotamus:
These things are mean. Vicious! And very territorial. Of course this image is contrary to the common conception of these animals. But don't let the Hungry, Hungry Hippos game fool you! If you get near one of these mammoths in the water, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye. If you do come into close contact with a hippo, and aren't ready to die, and you happen to be with a friend, throw the friend toward the hippo while you make a fast and safe exit out of there. If anyone asks, say the hippo went after him first.

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