Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Feral Cats and Wing Dings

I wish I could go back to the days when I'd open Netflix and not be visually assaulted by the video of some fat shirtless fuck attempting to do stand-up comedy. There are thousands of streaming options to showcase on the home page, Netflix, and you choose this talentless wildebeest? *

Save it for your your dimwitted sister-cousins and uncle-brothers, pal.

What else... Let's hear it for online AA meetings! Sobrietayyy!

Selected musicians/bands I'd like to listen to more of:
Richard Buckner
Bombay Bicycle Club
The Rosebuds
Blue Mountain
Treetop Flyers
The Rural Alberta Advantage
Cara Dillon

Oh and apparently, Horsemen 9 through 12 were bitching about being left off the February 21st post (read it, it's not so terrible!), so here you go, you greedy bastards. Reserves to the reserves, backups to the non-playmakers, thank you for your service:

Horseman 9: Morning Breath
Horseman 10: Ailurophobia
Horseman 11: Ingrown Toenails
Horseman 12: Boredom

Well, that'll do it.
Image result for dikembe mutombo finger wave
* You can do better !
Preach, Dikembe!

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Adventures of Flan Lady and Pancake Man!

(Dramatic orchestral score)
Flan Lady and Pancake Man!
Fuckin' shit up and makin' criminals pay!
Eatin' flans and pancakes and makin' a stand
They're mentally unwell but that's ok!
Tryin' to do good as long as they're able
The most feared duo at the kitchen table!

Just when you think this blog's sunk as low as it can go, there'a trap door... 
(fart sounds)

Danger factor for various public health concerns 
(0 to 10 scale)
Influenza: 4.2 - Typically results in 50,000 + deaths per year worldwide
Coronavirus: 3.1 - Biggest problem here seems related to a nation-wide toilet paper shortage
Pabst Blue Ribbonvirus: 7.9 - A much deadlier contagion with symptoms that include a massive reduction in IQ, loose stool*, and an all-consuming obsession with the movie Blue Velvet

* Too bad you a-holes took all the T.P., eh?

Image result for beavis cornholio
Hang in there, buddy.