Thursday, January 31, 2013

Free-Floating Nonsense

First off, my apologies for the dreadfully inadequate nature of last weeks' posting. There is room for significant improvement yet!

Most satisfying plays to watch in football:
1. Six to 10-yard fade route, corner of the endzone
2. Kick-off return Touchdown
3. A well-executed halfback screen pass
4. Corner blitz resulting in quarterback sack
5. Successfully recovered on-side kick
6. The hook-and-ladder

Co-Worker Power Rankings, Current Week:

1. Nick Brooks (hang in there, buddy!)
2. Arleen Reynolds (flourishing entrepreneur)
3. Chris Masterson (a.k.a. Charlie Mike)
4. Clarke Raines (good guy but needs to hit the weights)
5. Lucas Gonzales (couldn't think of anyone else)

After a less than stellar Pro Bowl prediction that marred a nearly flawless post-season of prognoticating, the blog author is back with the definitive projection for Super Bowl XLVII to be played this Sunday, February 3rd...

Ravens 23
Niners  17

Don't expect things to turn out otherwise!

Superfluous facts regarding selected U.S. State Capitals:

Lincoln, NE: Formerly known as Lancaster, it received its current name as a result of Omaha's decision to re-name the city after president Abraham Lincoln. This was done in an unsuccessful attempt to sway the favor of Confederate sympathizers against moving the state capital away from Omaha. A for effort, though.
Boston, MA: The Charles River, separating the Boston capital from Charleston, was the subject of The Standell's 1966 hit single, "Dirty Water."
Harrisburg, PA: In 2010 was named the 2nd best city in which to raise a family by Forbes.*

* - blog author's reaction to the Forbes claim: Preposterous! It's Pennsylvania.

Until next time.

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