Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Well it’s been almost a month. I guess it’s about time for a new post…

Things I’m tired of:
Car commercials with annoying music
Reality television
People who think Ray Romano is funny
Occasional sobriety
Watching Eric Gagne pitch
Watching Jason Varitek suck
Watching Eric Hinske strike out
Offensive new Facebook applications
Online job postings
NFL sideline reporters
The New England Patriots
The Michael Vick debate

Unemployment log, Day 57:
1:18PM: woke to the sound of an alarm
1:21PM: turned off alarm, went back to sleep
2:34PM: awoke, made tuna sandwich
3:51PM: watched TV in basement
5:42PM: got something out of car
6:02PM: ate dinner
6:28PM: more TV in basement
8:09PM: checked voicemail
8:22PM: made new blog post
8:33PM: returned to basement

…more to follow…

That’s it for this damned month.